Supporting employees on their maternity journey

121 Coaching Programmes for employees
on their maternity journey in the workplace
121 Coaching Programmes for maternity
returners stepping into a promotion
Workshops for maternity returners
Corporate Talks
121 Coaching Programmes for employees
on their maternity journey in the workplace
This 121 maternity coaching programme is for employees who are on their maternity journey, be it going on maternity leave as an expectant mum, on maternity leave or has returned to work as a working parent.
This 121 maternity coaching programme is for employees who are on their maternity journey, be it going on maternity leave as an expectant mum, on maternity leave or has returned to work as a working parent.

Leaving work to go on maternity leave is exciting and, in essence, a countdown to one of the most exciting days of a mother’s life. For some, it is ‘getting out of work’ and not having to ‘worry’ about work for a period of time. For others, it is thinking about how they can leave their role and team in a good place and then pick it up on their return.
When working mothers return to the workplace they can experience self-doubt, question their identify and feel overwhelmed with pressures of balancing home and work life. They can find it a challenge to fit in again in a changed environment.

Managing your Career, Motherhood and You is a bespoke 121 coaching programme which focuses on supporting women through the transition out of the workplace, preparing them for their return as a working mum and reintegrating them back successfully back into the workplace.

We offer different packages based on our clients needs. The below table shows the packages available and what is included in each package. Please note we also offer bespoke packages for clients who may have additional needs. 
For leaders transitioning back to work following maternity leave Bronze Silver Gold
15-minute introductory call
On/Off-boarding questionnaire
90-minute coaching session* 2 3 5
Accountability Action Plans 2 3 5
Individual Resource Pack
* Coaching sessions take place in alignment with maternity leave dates or as required by the client
** Pricing starting from €1,200 (ex VAT)
Clifford Chance, a UK law firm who offers maternity coaching, reported an increase in retention in the 2 years since coaching was introduced compared to the previous 6 years. They also reported a decrease in the number of maternity returners exiting the company within the first 12 months, with a reduction from 22% to 10%. In a 12-24 month period, it reduced from 8% to 1%
-Clifford Chance
In a survey conducted by 63% of working mothers claimed they were apprehensive about returning to work and 22% reported being devastated. Having returned to work, 62% said their stress levels where higher than before they had the baby
121 Coaching Programmes for maternity returners
Stepping into a promotion
We also work with employees who are or have returned to work and are stepping into a promotion. Transitioning in general is challenging and then stepping into a promotion adds another layer of complexity. We work with employees to set up them up for success as working parents in their new role.
We offer different packages based on our clients needs. The below table shows the packages available and what is included in each package. Please note we also offer bespoke packages for clients who may have additional needs. 
For leaders transitioning into a promotion following
maternity leave
Gold Platinum
15-minute introductory call
On/Off-boarding questionnaire
90-minute coaching session* 3 3
Accountability Action Plans 2 3
Individual Resource Pack
Email support in between coaching sessions 3 6
** Prices starting from €2,895 (ex VAT)
I have been working with Geraldine for the last 6 months, initially focused on maternity transition coaching and then we moved into career transition coaching. I was extremely apprehensive about my return to the workplace and how I would be able to juggle children and a demanding career. Geraldine worked with me and provided me with the tools to not only navigate my return to the workplace but also to give me the confidence to seek out a different challenge within my professional environment. This is not something I would have believed I could achieve without her assistance. Her style of coaching was effortless, and I really felt she listened to me but also could read between the lines with what I wasn't saying. She helped me to identify and create boundaries to ensure that I feel I can be my best self both in work and at home. I feel more equipped now to deal with whatever life might throw at me.
Legal & Regulatory Affairs Specialist
National Lottery

Benefits for the organisation

Investing in your key assets, your people, supports you in retaining your top talent
and aligns with gender diversity and employer branding.
  • Reduce risk of “brain drain” of female talent
  • Support employees in transition – now and longer term
  • Facilitate a faster return to productivity
  • Increased staff loyalty
  • Attract high-achieving women and parents
  • Reduce loss of training
  • Reduce loss of skills and knowledge

Benefits for the Employee

Investing in coaching can positively impact on an employee’s feeling of self-worth within the organisation.
Employees are more likely to remain in an organisation when they
feel valued and prepared for career progression.
Coaching can also help them:
  • Unearth and tap into inner potential and creativity
  • Co-ordinate career and personal life
  • Increase their ability to cope and welcome change
  • Improve self-confidence
  • Remove performance fears and anxieties
  • Learn to manage stress
  • Improve work life harmony
Workshops for maternity returners
Winning at Work, Harmony at Home” workshop is for maternity returners who have returned to work, within a year, following maternity leave.
1-day virtual workshop 10-4:30
Max: 8 participants
The purpose of this workshop is to give maternity returners the time and space to acknowledge that they are on their own personal transition
journey as a working parent and to understand the different stages of their transition.It is an opportunity to reconnect with their ‘new you’ both professionally and personally.
Identify strategies to re-build and maintain their confidence. Create an action plan that supports their wellbeing and work life harmony.
It is a space where working mums share their own experiences, and you learn from each other.
As a result of attending this workshop, participants will be able to:
  • Understand the emotional stages of their transition
  • Understand and re-connect with their personal and professional identity as a working parent
  • Re-build their confidence
  • Assess and re-design their current work-life balance by identifying strategies to achieve improved work-life harmony
  • Re-charge : Practice key principles of promoting well-being and develop a personal well-being plan.
  • Understand the emotional stages of their transition
  • Understand and re-connect with their personal and professional identity as a working parent
  • Re-build their confidence
  • Assess and re-design their current work-life balance by identifying strategies to achieve improved work-life harmony
  • Re-charge : Practice key principles of promoting well-being and develop a personal well-being plan.
* Please note these workshops can be run in-house or externally as an open workshop
If you would like to discuss running this as an in-house workshop for employees
simply email or alternatively, if you would like to register
your interest in enrolling a staff member(s) in the next open workshop
please submit your details and we will be in touch.
Prices starting from €500 (ex VAT) per person, with discount available for in-house workshops.
Corporate Talks
Topic: “Managing Maternity and Your Career”
For employees on their maternity journey and people managers
Educate employees who are on their maternity journey of the different stages of emotional
transition they will likely experience and how best to navigate them. We also share potential
career challenges that can show up for them and hinder them in their careers during their
maternity journey; along with guidance on how best to avoid these pitfalls.
People managers will learn the different experiences that women on their maternity journey
can experience as well as understanding their unique maternity journey. They will become
aware of potential career barriers that can show up for women and how best to support them.
Your outcomes from attending include: 
  • Understand the different stages of transition, the emotional aspects associated with maternity journeys and how best to navigate it.
  • Gain insights on the career challenges for women in the different stages of maternity transition and how managers and employees can best support at these different stages i.e. before maternity leave, on maternity leave and returned to work.
  • Explore Maternal Bias and understand how it can show up.
  • As a people manager, understand and improve employee engagement. 


career focus


values & Beliefs